Thursday, December 6, 2012


Addiction is a powerful word.
The root word addict can be defined as: an enthusiastic devotee to a particular thing or activity.

Addiction is far more prevalent around us than ever before. Outside of substance addictions, lie other moral filth and manifestations of an impure spirit within us. We as believers fall into these things because of the feeling that we get in our flesh. The initial sin of our addiction is powerful but we are drawn in because we strive to want the pleasure. As time goes by we never get that powerful experience like the first time we tried what we are addicted to. Similar to those addicted to substances, we search far and wide for something to satisfy that feeling we got when we first fell victim. That is the carrot that satan dangles in front of us until we run so far away from Christ where he can harm us.

You can run away from Christ, but you cannot escape his love. It is everywhere you go and with us permanently. The stain of sin is forever cleansed to where the the fabric of our lives is stain proof. This only comes by the anointing of Jesus Christ. Addictions whether substance or activity driven, push people away from their communities. People with underlying addictions tend to lose a grip on priorities. They are weak in spirit and in well-being and may suffer from fatigue. They also have communication barriers that will pop up as a way to keep others from truly finding what lies beneath. Depending on the addiction, the joy that the addict may get from simply looking at the substance or activity may alone cause them to falter even after years of avoidance.

You as a believer cannot avoid your addiction solely and fool yourself that you will get better.

God has to handle these things. King David faltered in his walk many times but his sexual immorality with Bathsheba was powerful. In Psalm 51 David approaches the throne of Christ. He not only asks for forgiveness but he also realizes how we are sinful from the womb. We are born with the ability the sin as well as the other 5 senses. We can sin without ever being taught to. We can sin when no one is watching or when everyone is watching. David asks for restoration so that he may use his falter for his testimony. Our testimonies help lead others with similar struggles closer to Christ. David sacrifices his broken spirit instead of his possessions or animals to Christ. Our broken spirit is more valuable. Our brokenness is what God wants to mend. God doesn't start anew; He makes it new again. That is the whole reason for Christ's struggle on the cross.

What are you struggling with today? Addiction? Bad habits?
Know a friend with these things?
This whole chapter is comforting. Submit your brokenness to Christ and become transparent about your struggles with other believers so that your brokenness will be fixed and made new by God.

Have a blessed day my family!

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