Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Love Yields

Luke 6:43-45

We love and we care and we pour out into other people. Many of us do this over time and eventually over years. We give and we give towards things and expectations that we hope will be returned. This is so dangerous!

People can be quite selfish and the worst part is that they aren't even aware of that half of the time. This passage in Luke however, provides some wisdom on the matter: you will know people by what traits they bear in front of you.

Just as you wouldn't expect an apple from a poison berry tree, you can't expect good things from a bad person. To take it a step further, you can't expect love from someone who doesn't love you back. You can't force anyone to do anything in return and call it genuineness.

Many times we are so certain that people are right for us. So we pour into them for this wrong reason and we build our world around them. They may take refuge in this world, but will eventually walk away if and when they find something more attractive. At the end we are left in desperation.

Don't pour into others that way. We love, but we must love without expecting anything in return. That is a love that also has discipline in it: the ability to correct what is out of place. Many you will love. Few will return it. Even fewer than that will love you more than you have. Cherish these things and above all else, love the Christ that is in everyone around you!

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