Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Settle for nothing less if you know you deserve what's best

Romans 8:24-25

We struggle with what we settle for.

We have hopes and things that we foresee based on our past experiences. We want better. But we only know what we have been through. We base what we want off of what didn't work.

It is impossible to want what was destined for us, because we cannot see destiny. We can only define it.

God walks hand-in-hand with destiny. He sees everything we have been through. He feels the same emotions that we do. And he wants to see that victory that we can't see. But he can't give us something when we already are holding onto something else. We tend to settle when we can't see any further. We sit down and try to enjoy what we have around us currently. The struggle that we endure is the settle we allow. If you believe that there is more, then there probably is. Ask God to give you patience as He prepares to hand you your destiny. Keep your hands free of any objects or mindsets that you settle for. The struggle is only as powerful as you allow it to be. Settle for nothing less if you know you deserve what's best

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